Conservation of Manuscripts

Preserve the Past, Secure the Future

Conservation of Manuscripts

At Sri Venkateswara University’s Oriental Research Centre, we understand the significance and value of historical manuscripts. Our manuscript conservation services are designed to safeguard these precious artifacts and ensure their preservation for years to come. By entrusting your manuscripts to our expert team, you can rest assured that they will undergo meticulous restoration and conservation techniques. Not only do we focus on preserving the physical condition of the manuscripts, but we also take into account their cultural and historical importance. Through our services, you can contribute to the conservation of our collective heritage and facilitate access to invaluable knowledge.

Any direct or indirect action on a damaged or undamaged manuscript or collection of manuscripts, for increasing their life is conservation. This can be Preventive or Remedial.

Preventive conservation seeks to reduce the future risk of deterioration. It includes measures such as controlling the temperature and humidity of the storage area of manuscripts and regular inspection of the condition of the manuscript/collection.

Remedial conservation is any direct action on the manuscript(s) to prevent active deterioration. For instance, fumigation of manuscript(s) infested with insects.

Manuscripts are sometimes subjected to restoration. This is different from conservation as the former aims at make the manuscript(s) look as close as possible to their original form. This is mainly to enhance their visual appeal. This may involve steps like repainting illustrations and removing pencil marks from a folio.

Conservation of Manuscripts

With the awareness that the rich treasure of manuscripts is facing threat of survival, the ORI has taken up the task of conservation of manuscripts available with institutions and private collections. The Conservation activity of ORI has set new benchmark in the field of conservation. One of the important areas of concern for the ORI is to protect manuscripts from further decay, damage and destruction. The ORI mainly focused on providing basic training and information on preservation, conservation of manuscripts and awareness programme. 
To provide training in the field of conservation of manuscripts the Mission organizes Skill development Conservation (Remedial /Preventive workshops and Awareness programme two levels:
i)    Preventive Conservation workshop
ii)    Remedial Conservation workshop

Rare support materials To conserve the following kindly Manuscripts
•    Textile
•    Sanchipat
•    Ivory
•    Karitas
•    Metals
•    Parchment

Definitions related to conservation of manuscripts Conservation

Any direct or indirect action on a damaged or undamaged manuscript or collection of manuscripts aimed at enhancing the life of the manuscript(s) can be termed as conservation.

Preventive Conservation

Any direct or indirect action on a damaged or undamaged manuscript or collection of manuscripts aimed at enhancing the life of the manuscript(s) by reducing future risks of deterioration can be termed as preventive conservation.

For eg.Regular inspection ofthe condition ofthe collection For eg.Deputing staff for training in preventive conservation techniques.

Curative Conservation

Any direct action on a damaged manuscript or collection of manuscripts aimed at stopping active deterioration in the manuscript(s) can be termed as curative conservation.

For eg. Fumigation of a manuscript collection that has live insects in it.


Any direct action on a damaged manuscript aimed at improving the visual aspect of the manuscript can be termed as restoration.

For eg. Removing pencil marks from a manuscript folio.

Trainers of manuscripts conservation

• The trainer should understand the nature and problems of the collection and think of the possible solutions. Then the trainer should tailor the contents of the session to address the problem in light of the solutions.

• The trainer should first of all have complete command of all aspects related to the nature and composition of manuscripts, how they degrade and how to prevent or treat this deterioration.

• The trainer should have a clear understanding of the nature ofthe audience,their level of knowledge/experience, should prepare the sessions well and not take any audience for granted. 

• For every session being conducted, the trainer should have a clear objective ofwhat is being taught and why?

• The trainer should be able to assess how much of what has been taught has been understood.

• The trainer should know how to prepare and handle various types ofteaching materials and equipment

• The trainer should refresh his or her knowledge by reading books, attending conferences and train-the trainers meets.

Basic Requirements of a Manuscript Storage Area

• Clean and tidy room

• No danger of fire or water disaster

• Electric switchboard should be outside the room if possible

• Good lighting

• Good ventilation

• Manuscripts kept in an ordered manner in clean boxes or cupboards

• Shelves should be able to take the load of the manuscripts

• Space for at least one person to move

• Manuscripts should not be on the floor

• The storage area should be inspected regularly

• At least one table and chair near the storage area to prepare inspection reports etc

• A quarantine room where recently acquired or donated manuscripts should be examined for insect or fungus attack and kept under observation before being documented and brought into the storage area.

Awareness of the manuscripts

The custodians and staff must know the material, nature, quantity, location and significance of the manuscripts in the collection.

Handling a manuscript

• Use two hands to handle manuscripts safely.

• Always use a tray or solid support when moving a manuscript.

• Handle only as many as can be done comfortably and safely.

• Hands should be clean when handling manuscripts.

Transporting a manuscript

• Always use a tray or solid support when moving manuscripts.

• After referring to the books, leave the manuscripts on the table and inform the librarian.

• Take permission from the manuscript collection incharge. Do not mark on the manuscript. Use clean hands. Turn over the pages gently. Keep the manuscript on a flat support. Avoid tea or water near the manuscript. Do not replace a manuscript on a shelf without the knowledge of the custodian.

Conservation of a manuscript

• Record the damage and discuss the action plan with all concerned persons.

• Plan the treatment in advance and have all tools and materials in place.

• Follow the policy ofminimum intervention.

• Use correct materials ofthe best quality available.

• Document the process.

Display of a manuscript

• Place proper support under the manuscript.

• Do not have lighting inside the display cases.

• Have low lighting ofan intensity lower than 50 lux.

• Cover the manuscripts showcase with a cloth when not in use.

• Keep turning over the pages periodically.

Basic Documentation Requirements

• Accession register should be up to date.

• The documents should be catalogued.

• There should be a location register.

• Movement register.

• Conservation receipt and return register.

Minimum Standards for a Manuscript Conservation Assistant

Must know

• The size and nature ofthe collection

• How a particular manuscript in the collection is made

• How the manuscript behaves with changes in the environment

• What are the agents of deterioration

• How these agents can be avoided

• How to inspect and monitor agents of deterioration in a collection

• What action to take when the deterioration agents are present

• The nature,use and effects ofany chemicals or action that he uses

• The health hazards related to use of conservation materials

• The dangers of obsolete conservation treatment such as heat lamination, cellulose acetate lamination, addition of copper sulphate in flour paste etc.

Must be able to:

• Inspect a collection and prepare a Basic Condition Report.

• Re-organise the storage and keep it in an organized manner.

• Take preventive conservation steps to keep the collection healthy.

• Execute curative conservation treatment with a high degree of skill under supervision of the conservator incharge.

Minimum Standards for a Manuscripts Conservator

Must know

• In greater depth all that is expected from the conservation assistant.

• Chemistry and behaviour of the various materials used for conservation.

• The significance of the collection that is being treated.

Conservation Materials

• Handmade paper of various thickness, textures and colours as required for the respective collections

• Lens tissue, Nepalese tissue, Banana tissue etc

• Binding materials.