Article Submission

Instructions to Author

Submit Manuscript at:
Click the following links for download Copyright Agreement and Authorship Responsibility form.
1. Word File, 2. PDF File
Manuscript Presentation:
1. The manuscript should be prepared in Sanskrit, Hindi or English using “MS Word”. Author must use TimesNewRoman 012 font.

2. Articles may have the following sections: Title, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, and References.
How to Write Reference:
For Journal Article: Gupta BM, Sharma KC, Jha PK. Aqueous extracts of Roselle varieties inhibit a-amylase and a-glucosidase activities. Journal of Science. 2011; 16(1):88-93.
For Books: Author AB, Author BB, Author CC. Title of Book. Ed, Vol, Publisher, City, year, page numbers.
Mittal KM. Indian Materia Medica. Edn 3, Vol. I, Rupa Prakashan, Mumbai, 2000, PP. 242-246.
For Website: Title: manuscript  research trends. Weblink: Visited on: 03 Feb, 2021.
How to Submit Article:
Submit manuscript through email at:
Article handling / Processing charges
There is no article ‘submission fee’ in the journal. But, as the Journal is not receiving any governmental & / or non-governmental financial add, the authors are required to pay an article ‘handling / processing fee’ (after peer review and acceptance). This fee contributes to the costs involved in indexing, formatting, publication process and Web maintenance.
•Indian authors: 700 INR (w.e.f. 24.02.2024)
•International authors: 30 USD (w.e.f. 24.02.2024)